5 tips to get back into running after a break or injury

2023 is finally upon us; with the new year, come new (and old but not forgotten) goals of a fitter and healthier version of ourselves that starts with getting back into running!

Whether you took a break because of work, to enjoy the holidays or you were forced still by an injury, getting back into a running routine can feel daunting; you don’t want to start from scratch but jumping right in doesn’t feel right either.

  • Start Slowly

While your exact mileage will depend on how long you were sidelined - two or three weeks won’t have affected you too much and you might feel you can run the same distance and pace as before, injuries and longer breaks do need a slower start - start with shorter runs and gradually increase distance and intensity. Aim for no more than 10% distance increase week by week.

  • Get the right equipment

Make sure your old running shoes are still up for the job, fit well and are not too run down. If you were sidelined because of an injury, assessing your footwear will be even more important. 

  • Set realistic goals

Life will happen so be compassionate when setting your goals.A common mistake people make at the beginning of the year - or of any new routine - is to be too optimistic on what is achievable week by week. This leads to overcommitting and frustration when we fall short. 

Manage your expectations; set a goal you can easily achieve and get your wins to motivate you even further. You always have time to add more sessions in!

  • Find your positive triggers

One of the keys to sticking with a running routine is finding ways to stay motivated. This can include running with a friend, listening to music or podcasts, or joining a running group. Even something as simple as laying your running clothes out before bed so that there’s nothing to think about in the morning can all help. Find what pushes you to take action and do more of that!

  • Enrol in our new Get Back into Running Course

Rediscover your motivation, re-energise yourself and build a realistic routine of mindful running, while being guided in real-time by our audio coaching. No more guessing, no more feeling alone on your runs. 

6 sessions over the course of 3 weeks to practice patience, to give your body and mind the necessary time to get back into a basic running routine and form.


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How to improve your running by better pacing (yourself)