Lupa's 101 Running Tips

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Want to improve your running?

This is our ultimate list of tips for runners of all levels. Get reading, get learning, and get running 😉

For quite some time, we have been asking our community on Instagram and Twitter about their best running tips. Some have been for beginners, some have been for ultra marathon runners, and some have been for every person who laces up their shoes on a weekly basis.

We have gathered some amazing gems of knowledge from those conversations. They have made us better runners and have informed the decisions that make the Lupa app what it is today and will be tomorrow. In this post, we thought we would sum up those conversations for you and help you to be a better runner, one tip at a time.

Our tips will start for beginners and flow into many great tips for runners of all levels. Are you ready? 🔥

Here are our community's top 101 tips for running:

The Start:

1. Define your why

We all have a reason for running. It is the thing that gets us started, keeps us going, pushes us on the tough days, and brings a smile to our face on the good days. Our first tip is for you to think about your why. Write it down somewhere and define it. It is this why that will get you to where you want to go.

2. Set a goal

Having something to aim for helps us to stay motivated and give training our all. At the start of your running journey it could be a good idea to set a running goal for yourself. Running Coach, Lauren Sheu, discusses goal setting in her blog post, ‘How to Start Running When You Are Out of Shape’. Maybe it is to run your first 5k or to run for 30 minutes without stopping. Whatever it is, make it a SMART goal, and use it to push you forward.

3. Make a training plan

You have a reason to run, you have a goal set, now its time to plan out your route to that goal. Make a training plan with a coach, use an app program like Lupa or find a well reviewed program online. Having a plan will give you the structure to channel your energy efficiently en route to achieving your goal

4. Tell a friend

Put it out to the universe that you are going to try running. Telling someone about your plan will make everything feel that bit more real, can help you to find an accountability buddy, and can give you a resource to talk to throughout your running ups & downs.

5. Get those running shoes

Picking your first pair of runners can be a big stress... but we want to make that a little bit easier for you by suggesting some of our favourite running shoes for beginners. You can find them here.

6. Get some help

Maybe you don't have a friend that is a suitable accountability buddy, that's OK. You can still seek help and support from a local run club, running coach, or online community (we share some of our favourites later in this blog). Having someone to help you on your journey will be invaluable.

7. Use your calendar

When you have a training plan, take the time to book the dates and session details into your work or personal calendar. Book them in and get them done.

8. Get started

The best way to get started is.. well getting started. The best idea is to get into it as soon as you can. With the steps we covered before, you have the structure you need, now you can go off and reap the benefits of that structure.

9. Have fun with it

It's easy for all of us to get very serious about running. We focus on times, distances, plans. That's all fine and there is a place for it for sure, but remember that the main thing is to have fun. Wear funky running clothes, run like a child, have a dance at the finish line, smile.. when you're having fun, it's easier to run.

10. Have patience

As well as having fun, do try to be patient with yourself. Like anything, building up your running stamina will take time so don't rush it. Enjoy the process and be patient with yourself. You'll get there.

The Basics:

Lets start with the running basics, from warming up to eating right.

Lets start with the running basics, from warming up to eating right.

11. Warm Up Well

At all levels of running it is important to warm up well. Do some foam rolling, dynamic stretching, and light jogging. It's these types of actions that will help you to run faster, run for longer, and run without injury.

12. Cool Down Well

Much like our warm up, cooling down is a pivotal part of running. If you want to enjoy your training and stay injury free, even a simple 10-15 minute cool down after your run could make the big difference.

13. Walk before you run

You don't need to leave the house on day one and start running. Build up your stamina with walking and get your body used to moving before you get that first run in. In Lupa's 'Running a 5k' course we put this into practice and get you from walking to running a 5k in 15 sessions.

14. Use Walk-Run Intervals

When you feel ready, its time to start jogging. We recommend you do this in intervals where you jog and walk intermittently. Start by having short jogging intervals, gradually increasing them over time, until you eventually feel able to run without walking at all.

15. Gradually build up your running distance

You don't need to be running for 5k or 10k straight away. Even if you feel able to aerobically, it takes time for your physical body to adapt to running. Build your distance up gradually and stick to your training plan.

16. Repeat distances until they are comfortable

Only go up in distance on your runs when you feel comfortable at the previous distance. For example, if you found running 3k difficult and your training plan suggests you move to 4k on your next run, maybe repeat the 3k until it feels comfortable before progressing to 4k.

17. Plan your routes

You have enough on your mind on your first few runs without worrying will you turn left or right at the end of this road. It can be nice to set off on a run and see where your feet take you, but if this is not your cup of tea, we recommend that you plan your route before you start.

18. Eat well

If we want our bodies to operate at their best, be it in running or day to day life, then we need to fill ourselves with the right fuel. We'll get into this more later ;)

19. Rest is part of training

Some people get frustrated on rest days, they feel like training every day is what they need to do to be their best running self. The reality is that rest days are as important as any other day in your training plan. Your body needs time to recover, and rest days will give it that time.

20. Listen to your body

This is one of the ultimate running tips. When you have a niggle or tightness. Listen to your body. Rest, stretch, ice, elevate. Whatever you do, do not run injured. You'll regret it. So ye.. listen to your body as best you can.

Motivation is a challenge for everyone at some point. These are some ways you can motivate yourself to stay on track.

Motivation is a challenge for everyone at some point. These are some ways you can motivate yourself to stay on track.

Staying Motivated:

21 Book a race or a fun run

Having a date in the diary for a race or a fun run is the type of thing that gets you up and training. Some people scatter race dates across their training plans to keep them motivated, and it works! Have a look at the Run Through website to see what events are near you.

22. Get social

Join some online running communities, follow some cool pages, and start to use social media to be inspired to achieve your running goals. It means that when you are having a casual scroll on Twitter, TikTok or IG that you will see content that reminds you of your training. We will share some of our favourite pages for you later in this piece!

23. Find an accountability buddy

This is something we can't recommend enough. If you have someone to check in with your training (preferably do it with you) and keep you accountable, then you are on to a winner. No one wants to let down their buddy, so in this case, we run!

24. Join a running club

Join a local run club. There are social clubs as well as athletics clubs, so you can choose to run with people at whatever level is comfortable for you. Running clubs give you structure, as well as a chance to run with a group of awesome people. If you are based in London or Dublin you can even join our Lupa Running Clubs for free :)

25. Keep a diary

Write about your training. Take some time to reflect every week to see how you are feeling and how the training is going. This is the type of activity that helps you to understand what it is that motivates you. When you know that, you can bring it to life whenever you need it.

26. Explore your city

Use running as a way to explore where you live. Try out new routes, travel to different parks, do some sight seeing. Adding this to you running might encourage you to go on some of those long runs.

27. Try a running app

Having a running app like Lupa that guides you through your runs could be exactly what you need to stay motivated. It can give variety to your sessions, keep you on track with your training, and motivate you throughout your runs.

28. Get some good running music

Find some cool running playlists to keep you moving during your runs. They can help the time pass and even carry you through some of your sessions. If what's out there already isn't exactly for you, then you could even make your own! If its really good, send it to us and we will add it as a suggested playlist for one of our Lupa experiences.

29. Running time can be podcast time

Running, especially as you progress to longer distances, can be a great time to explore some of the great podcasts that are out there. You could educate yourself on new topics, catch up on current affairs, or get lost in a fictional series. Our podcast, Sweat & Smile, is a good place to start ;)

30. .. Or Audiobook time

Actually, this doesn't just apply to podcasts. Maybe you can get some audiobook time in too. Wow.. isn't running great?

Be Present:

Being with nature on a run is a special feeling.

Being with nature on a run is a special feeling.

31. Focus on your own journey

It's easy to get drawn into comparisons in running. 'Why are they faster?', 'How come they look like that?', 'What training are they doing?'. If you can, try to just focus on your own journey. That is the only one you have power over so there's no point worrying about anyone else's.

32. Don't always chase PBs

Not every run has to be your fastest. Go with how the body feels and maybe some days good times will come, other days they might not. All of it is OK. You'll get that PB eventually, if you want it!

33. Appreciate the little wins

Whenever you reach new distances, new times, or even complete a tough session, celebrate it! It's important to appreciate those little wins along the way. Its what we remember with a smile and keeps us going that next mile (Yep, that was cringey, we know!!).

34. Enjoy the feeling of moving

We can get so caught up in training plans and targets during running that we sometimes fail to appreciate and enjoy just how great it is to be moving. Every now and then on your run, see if you can recognise just how great a feeling it is.

35. Connect with your breathing

Our breath is so powerful – it has the ability to anchor us into the present moment, fuel our bodies, and even alter our heart rate. If you aren't sure about your run breathing, we have lots of guided breathwork runs that you can try in the Lupa app.

36. Get out into nature

Running and being in nature are two of the most therapeutic things in this world. You know what's even better? Running in nature! Run in parks, by rivers or lakes, or maybe even explore some trails. You won't regret it.

37. Enjoy the sights and sounds

Being out of the house or the office, you can see and hear so many different things that you wouldn't usually. Take the time to be observant. Notice what you pass and use their sights and sounds to anchor you into the present moment.

38. Reflect & clear your head

Use your running as a time to reflect on things and clear your head. Some of the best moments of clarity can come on your runs. You can solve problems, come up with ideas, and finish with a huge weight lifted off your shoulders.

39. Connect with your body

Body scans are usually done lying down but there is actually no better way to scan through your body than on a walk or run. Give it a try and see what its like to connect your mind and body. You can recognise what's feeling strong, or you can notice little niggles and look after them before they become anything too sinister.

40. Don't judge yourself

Our favourite definition of mindfulness is 'An awareness of your present experience without judgement for yourself or the experience'. The second part of the definition is the part people tend to forget but it is so important. Be aware of your experience but don't be judging yourself. You are awesome and you are doing your best always!

Nutrition is so critical in our running performance.

Nutrition is so critical in our running performance.

Get Nutrition Right:

41. Hydrate well

A lot of us don't drink enough water, but getting hydration right is so important for our running. Make sure you’re properly hydrated going into a run. To determine your hydration status, take a look at the colour of your urine – pale yellow means you’re hydrated and dark yellow means you need to drink more.

42. Prioritise electrolytes

Electrolytes help to hold water in your cells rather than just have it pass out of your body. Having them on board along with some water will clear your mind, give you more focus and a new source of energy. You can read more on electrolytes here.

43. Get those carbs in

Carbs are the primary fuel source for running, making them a necessary component of nutrition for running. You can find good carbs in fruits, vegetables, grains and lots more.

44. Find good snacks

If you are doing very long runs or are just a snacker, it could be a good idea to find recipes for tasty but healthy snacks you can have during your training. Try some protein balls or flapjacks that get carbs and protein in the same bite.

45. Avoid spicy foods

We at Lupa love a spicy takeaway as much as the next person, but spicy food can be tough on the stomach. This will give you that heavy stomach feeling that does not make for a fun run. You want to make your pre workout meal or snack easy to digest and these are just some potential foods to avoid in the hours before running. Remember though, everyone is different so if spicy foods pre run leads to a successful training run or race day, then hey, we can't complain!

46. Meal prep to avoid binges

When you come home, tired, after a long run, and there's no dinner made, it can be easy to slip towards ordering in and breaking your good eating run. Meal prepping can be the thing that keeps you on track. Get cooking in bulk and put your fridge/freezer to good use.

47. Get Creative

Take the time to get creative with your cooking. Find new recipes online and try them out. These are some of our favourite meals for runners.

48. Allow the odd indulgence

At the end of the day, we have to enjoy ourselves. Don't be too strict, allow yourself to have the odd treat, whatever that looks like for you. You’ve earned it!

49. Watch the alcohol

Yep.. this explains itself ;)

50. Find your own run-eat routine

We are all individuals and will have different eating - running routines that work for us. Our recommendation is to use the research to guide you but over time, with some trial and error, find what works for you.

Training Tips:

51. Be consistent

If you want to get better at running, you have to be consistent.

If you want to get better at running, you have to be consistent.

This is important. Keeping a consistent schedule for running can really help you to continue your progress. Have a training plan, have races or milestones in your journey and do your best to stick to them.

52. Don't forget strength training

So many runners neglect strength training and end up with unnecessary injuries. Building gym work into your schedule will help you to keep your legs strong, avoid injuries, and even help you to run with more power and energy.

53. Strengthen your whole body

Don't just focus on your legs though. We use our whole body in running. That's what makes it so amazing. So strengthen that core, those shoulders, that back and those arms too.

54. Cross train to reduce impact

Cross training in running just means engaging in a non-running physical activity. This is great for when you have niggles but want to keep up your fitness momentum. In fact, healthy runners can gain just as much from cross training, with activities like cycling, swimming and rowing, being just a few ways runners have upped their games without pounding the pavement.

55. Change up your pace

Not all runs need to be flat out. There is benefit to slow runs, fast runs, and interchanges between paces on runs. Try to add progression, interval and tempo runs into your training plans. On the Lupa, 5k, 10k and fastest 10k courses we try to add a variety of run types and paces into sessions. These help you to improve your endurance, speed, and aerobic capacity all in one.

56. Slow runs are just as important

Slower, longer runs, are just as important as our full speed workouts. Slow runs help to maintain your fitness and gradually build long-term strength and endurance. Sometimes to go faster, we need to go slower!

57. Get running on hills

Yep, it isn't always nice when you approach a big uphill section on your run but it is going to be worth it. One of the beauties of hill running is that it really works on power, hip mobility, and strength because you need to be able to drive your legs really high to get up the slope.

58. Try out the track

Some of the best workouts runners can do are on the athletics track. Every now and then, see if you can get down to your local athletics track and do some intervals.

59. Be process oriented, not outcome oriented

This goes back to what we said about planning and being in the moment. If you have the right plan and process in place, the results will come. Sometimes they will take time to achieve so that's why day to day judgement of stats and progress might not be the right way to go. Trust the process and enjoy it.

60. Remember your why

Remember that 'Why' we talked bout at the start? Good! Because whenever things are tough and you feel like it would be easier to stop, it is your why that will keep you going.


Form Form & More Form.

Form Form & More Form.

61. Work on your form

Getting your stride pattern right will help you to avoid injuries, train harder, and be efficient with your energy output. Work on it from the start and you'll be thanking yourself later.

62. Get a Gait Analysis

To help with your form, it could be worth getting a gait analysis from a physio or a running coach. They can tell you how to make your stride patterns more friendly to your joints and muscles.

63. Work with a run coach

Working with a running coach on a more consistent basis can help you to keep a healthy running form as you evolve. You might evolve your stride pattern as you progress and a coach by your side could be a very valuable asset.

64. Relax your shoulders

Try and keep your shoulders nice and relaxed and facing forward, not hunched over. Rounding the shoulders too far forward tends to tighten the chest and restrict breathing. You'll breathe a lot easier if your shoulders are relaxed and breathing is pretty important!

65. Look in front of you

A lot of us stare at our feet on runs. If you can, try to keep your eyes looking forward and focused on the ground about 10 to 20 feet ahead of you. Not only is this proper running form, but it's also a safer way to run because you can see what's coming and avoid falling.

66. Avoid over striding

Your stride length plays a big role in determining how heavy the impact of our legs hitting the ground is. Over striding can put extra strain on your joints and use up unnecessary energy. Instead, see if you can reduce your stride length and increase your cadence i.e. the rate at which your feet hit off the ground. It works!

67. Get your Z Angle

A rule of thumb for good running form is to get that z shape right. The z shape is the angles formed by your hip joint and ankle joint when you are viewed from the side when your stance leg is just about to leave the ground.

68. Don’t bounce

If you bounce when you run, known as vertical oscillation, your head and body are moving up and down too much, which wastes a lot of energy. The higher you lift yourself off the ground, the greater the shock you have to absorb when landing and the faster your legs will fatigue.

69. Get that tilt

Running with a slight tilt forward can help you to give you forward momentum and keep a good running pace. Don't slouch, but with good posture, see if you can lean that little bit into your run. Even the slightest bit can be exactly what you need to push forward.

70. Breathe

Breathing is such an important part of running. It keeps you energised and present on your run. See if you can find a rhythm to your breathing, as you breathe in through your nose and down into your stomach. On Lupa, we have guided breathwork runs like 'Breath Syncing' & '2 Breaths in, 1 Breath Out' that could help you get this part of your running right.

Race day is a big day, with these tips you can make the most of it.

Race day is a big day, with these tips you can make the most of it.

Race Day:

71. Be prepared

Yep, its can definitely help to have done the training ahead of the big day!

72. Don't eat too close to the start

For race day, keep the run-eat routine that works for you. Definitely try to avoid any new foods or eating patterns. One thing we would recommend to everyone is not to eat too much too close to the race start. It will leave you feeling sluggish and prone to stomach cramps. Best to keep it nice and light.

73. Know the route

Having an idea of the route will just help to put your mind at rest and focus on the running itself. This can be as straightforward as having a quick look at the route the night before your race.

74. Get there early

The last thing you want on race day is being stressed that you might be late. Don't leave room for error and get there nice & early so you can relax, warm up and soak up the atmosphere.

75. Have a hydration/fuelling plan (longer runs)

This isn't really relevant until you start running a half marathon or longer but on these longer distances, it is important to have a hydration and fuelling plan in mind. Bring your snacks, know where the water stations are, and have an idea of when you'll make the most of them.

76. Run your own race

It is so easy to be dragged into other people's races. The key here is that you have done the training and your body knows what your pace should feel like. Don't be dragged out of that zone too early or you might struggle later in the race.

77. Start slow, finish fast

Building on from that, it is better to start slow and finish fast than vice versa. Take it easy and find your rhythm at the beginning and then use that rhythm, the atmosphere, and all the training in your legs to push late on and hit whatever targets you have set.

78. Use the atmosphere

On those tough kilometres, see if you can use the crowd and your fellow runners energy to pull you through. It's amazing how powerful it can be.

79. Enjoy it

Run with a smile on your face and soak it all in. This is what the training has been for so make it one to remember. Enjoy the race and celebrate it after!

80. Be kind to yourself

No matter what the result is, there will be more races. Be kind to yourself.

Community (Some Pages to follow):

Badass Mother Runners are an amazing community of women that are well worth following.

Badass Mother Runners are an amazing community of women that are well worth following.

81. Badass Mother Runners

A community of badass mothers who love running and supporting eachother.

82. Black Trail Runners

A community and campaigning charity seeking to increase inclusion, participation and representation of Black people in trail running 

83. Run Talk Run

A community for people to run together and talk about their mental health.

84. Walk Talk Walk

A community for people to walk together and talk about their mental health.

85. UK Run Chat

A community that facilitates chat about all things running.

86. Barefoot Crew

A community that is bringing back the brilliant activity of barefoot running in the UK.

87. Ultra Black Running

A community that provides memorable experiences & that will champion and empower Black women & Non-Binary people in Trail running and beyond.

88. Run Through UK

A community that is getting the UK moving and racing together.

89. Park Run

A community that organises weekly 5k fun runs in local neighbourhoods around the World.

90. Lupa

A community where you can feel supported throughout your running journey, through blogs like this and lots more!

Running is amazing and there is so much we could say, but above all else, enjoy the journey and be kind to yourself :)

Running is amazing and there is so much we could say, but above all else, enjoy the journey and be kind to yourself :)

11 More Tips for Good Luck:

91. Visualise success

Whatever success in running looks like for you, try to picture it in your head, and when training is hard you can just think how sweet that moment will feel and use it to push you forward.

92. Change your runners

Running shoes don't last forever so it is best to change them every 8-12 months or every 500-700km to avoid them getting you inured. We have lots of suggestions so reach out if you need any!

93. Don't run injured

Yes, PLEASE don't run when you are injured. You will regret it when you are out for weeks and lose your momentum. Go to a physio, get some cross training in and rest up.

94. Pamper yourself

Have fun with your rest and recovery days. Book into a spa, get a massage or some acupuncture. Why not?

95. Have a non running life

Running is amazing, everyone reading this piece knows that, but it is also important to have a life outside of running. Get some balance through your social life, work, and pastimes .

96. Be your own cheerleader

When things are tough, and your out there training on your own, that is when you need to step up and become your own cheerleader. Speak positive thoughts. 'I am the best', 'I can do this', 'One more push'. It might make the difference.

97. Dress for the weather

Don't get sick for something silly, get those rain coats, tights or sun cream on depending on what the day is saying.

98. Smile

Smile because you can, because you are and because you will. Just smile :)

99. Enjoy the journey

We will have goals that we want to achieve, but those moments are only a small part of our running journey. The majority of the journey is outside of races, record distances and PBs. If we only enjoy the achievement of the goal, then that is a lot of time without enjoyment. Try your best to enjoy the journey, celebrate the little wins, and do it with a smile on your face.

100. Download Lupa

Lupa is the world's smartest running partner that helps to guide & motivate you through your earphones. It combines a human-like coaching experience with mindfulness and advanced running technology to guide runners to their goals, whatever they may be. It could be just what you need to achieve your goals and enjoy running that bit more.

101. Download Lupa ;)

Oh sorry.. did we say that already?? ;)

And there we have it! That is our community’s 101 tips for runners. Some you probably already knew, some might not be relevant for you, but some might just be exactly what gets you to the next level.

Reading this blog was a marathon in itself, so thank you for sticking with us. Feel free to email to request some sort of medal for getting to the end. If you did, we hope you enjoyed it, and we hope you enjoy your implementation of these tips even more!!

Thank you for reading! Have a great day and keep running!

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