4 Meals for Running Performance

Running and nutrition. We've talked a lot it in our last two blogs. And for good reason.. nutrition is one of the key pillars in making ourselves better runners and generally healthier people.

Let’s put it like this. When you think of your running, think of your body as a car. If you put cheap fuel into it, the car won't run as well as it should. Maybe it breaks down or gets damaged. Maybe it just goes that little bit slower. Maybe the fuel burns that little bit faster.

Well this is the same for our bodies. If we want our bodies to operate at their best, be it in running or day to day life, then we need to fill ourselves with the right fuel. That is what this blog is all about, giving you some pointers on what you can fuel yourself with.

In our last two blogs we looked at how we can optimise our performance with the right nutrition but we didn't necessarily share any meal tips or recipes that you can add to your diet and get that performance boost.

In this blog, we teamed up with our fellow techstars alumni, ckbk, the world's best cookbooks at your fingertips, to share 4 meals that will help you to get the most from your diet. The team at ckbk are keen runners and know first hand the impact that these meals and snacks can have on running performance.

Enjoy the good eating!!

(1) Start with Brekkie - Caribbean Porridge

Breakfast is where we set the tone for our day’s nutrition and porridge is usually our go to.

It might sound a bit boring but it doesn't always have to be. Why not add some flavour into the mix & try a Caribbean take. In Levi Roots Carribean version there’s banana, allspice and cinnamon. It’s packed full of flavour and energy for the day ahead.

Try not to eat too close to your run but if you wake early before a morning run or are an afterrnoon/evening runner then this is the perfect breakfast treat.

Check out the recipe here

(2) Carb Loading - It’s Gotta be Pasta

Why do people carb load?

Well, like we said at the beginning, similar to a car burning fuel to make it run, your body burns glycogen, to… well… also make it run.

Since pasta is a great source of carbohydrates, when you eat pasta, it gets broken down into glucose, which provides the body with the energy it needs in everyday life, to perform in sports and especially to be able to run those longer distances.

The dish we chose for your carb loading meal is Pappardelle with Eggplant & Capsicum. Trust us when we say it will not disappoint. Pappardelle are flat noodles about 3 cm (1¼ in) wide and are quite well suited to chunky, robust sauces.

Pappardelle is often served with slow cooked meat ragu, but this recipe is a nice aubergine pappardelle from Tessa Kiros's first cookbook, Twelve. (It's veggie if you skip the anchovies!). Enjoy!!

Check out the recipe here

(3) A Vegan Option - Sweet Potato Salad

Plenty of runners are going vegan these days, and a lot of them are reaping the benefits of a plant based diet. Whether you are vegan, vegetarian or just fancy a little change in your lunch/dinner routine, this recipe is a lovely one to try.

All it takes is 5 Ingredients to put this Sweet Potato Salad together. The recipe comes from the team behind the So Vegan YouTube channel (well worth checking out by the way) and it has the right mix of healthy veg and fuel filled carbs to get you through your run in style.

Check out the recipe here

(4) Snack Time - Flapjacks

So far its been all about meals but sometimes we need mid-run refuelling and this is where our snacks come into play. When it comes to ultras and mountain running, you really need some serious sustenance on the run. For us, you can’t do much better than a tasty Flapjack.

Kirsten Gilmour is a Kiwi chef based up in the Cairngorms, and her Mountain Cafe Cookbook includes great baking options, like these flapjacks. They are easy to make and are perfect for bringing along in your trail bag or running belt.

If you don’t run those longer distances though, don’t worry, just enjoy them as a snack during your day.

Check out the recipe here


To sum it all up, keep that analogy in mind.

When you think of your running, think of your body as a car. If you put cheap fuel into it, the car won't run as well as it should.

It is the same for our bodies. If we want our bodies to operate at their best, be it in running or day to day life, then we need to fill ourselves with the right fuel. These 4 meals and snacks are fuel that will take your body far and help you to enjoy your running that little bit more.

Maybe they will be the boosts you need to take on Lupa’s new ‘Fastest 10k Course’ that aims to help you reach a new 10k PB or time goal. Check it out today.

Happy eating and happy running Lupa Pack!!


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