Getting Faster: Tips to Improve Your Running Pace

Whether you're training for a race or just trying to improve your overall fitness, increasing your running pace is a common goal for many runners. Simply running longer distances or adding more sessions does not usually lead to faster times on set distances as your 5k or 10k races.

How can you improve your pace then?

It’s all about changing up your training to teach your body and muscles to get faster - even if it means running shorter distances for a while - get stronger and improve your form, check out how:

Interval Training: Incorporating interval training into your running routine can help you build speed and endurance. Try alternating periods of high-intensity running with periods of recovery or low-intensity running. This will help you increase your lung capacity and build endurance, which can help you maintain a faster pace for longer periods of time. Check out our Getting Started with Intervals Course!

Strength Training: Building strength in your legs, core, and upper body can help you run faster and more efficiently. Exercises like lunges, squats, and planks can help you build the strength you need to maintain a faster pace. If you missed it, read our Ultimate Guide to Strength Training for Runners.

Proper Form: Maintaining proper running form can help you run faster and more efficiently. Focus on keeping your shoulders relaxed, your arms at your sides, and your feet landing directly under your hips.

Breathing Technique: Proper breathing techniques can help you maintain a faster pace for longer periods of time. Try breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth, and focus on taking deep breaths that fill your lungs completely. Try Lupa Run’s Breath Syncing Experience.

Consistency: Consistency is key when it comes to improving your running pace. Try to run at least three to four times per week, and gradually increase your mileage and intensity over time. This will help you build the endurance and strength you need to maintain a faster pace.

What about what you do around your running?

Changing up your training is surely important, but what you do for the rest of the day and on your rest days matters too!. Any improvement in performance is only possible if your body has all the energy it needs to operate at a higher level. Make your you are incorporating:

Proper Nutrition: Eating a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and complex carbohydrates can help you fuel your runs and maintain a faster pace. Make sure to hydrate properly before and after your runs as well.

Rest and Recovery: Giving your body proper rest and recovery time is essential for improving your running pace. Make sure to take at least one or two rest days per week, and incorporate stretching and foam rolling into your routine to prevent injury and promote recovery.

Mental Toughness: Improving your running pace is not just about physical fitness, but also mental toughness. Staying focused and positive during your runs can help push through any mental barriers that may be holding you back. The Lupa coach will also be by your side in real time to keep you going!

Remember that improving your running pace takes time and patience. Don't get discouraged if you don't see immediate results, and celebrate your progress along the way. With consistency and dedication, you can achieve your running goals and improve your overall fitness.

So go ahead, lace up those running shoes, and start incorporating these tips into your routine. You'll be amazed at how much progress you can make with a little bit of effort and dedication. Happy running!


Need help sticking to your pace? Download Lupa Run today to be guided in real-time by the Lupa Pacer!

Set your desired distance and pace, and let the Lupa Run coach keep you accountable, WHILE you run!


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